Monday, December 26, 2011

Making Money With Youtube

If you’re a YouTube user who uploads your own videos, I’m pretty sure you’ve used Insight to find out more about your audience – after all, who doesn’t want to know more about the people that check out their videos? Well, if you’re obsessed with stats, we’ve got some good news for you. YouTube has decided to replace Insight with Analytics. You get the same data you’re used to seeing and much more. In addition, the data is presented in a way that is designed to be more useful and interactive.

If you’re keen on making more money, engaging with more audiences, building a bigger audience and making better videos – Analytics can give you the information you need. For those of you who never used Insight in the first place, I guess it doesn’t matter then. But if you’re in the slightest bit interested in finding out more about your video’s stats, head over to the YouTube Analytics page to find out more.

In an ideal world—an ideal world which will apparently exist until at least 2015!—we'd be able to continue to search the Internet ad-free—or at least, browse ad-free. This is a public good that affects everyone; I, for one, would welcome a government initiative to produce an ad-free, not-for-profit search engine; an ad-free, not-for-profit digital library. We have the resources but not the political will to make things like this happen; understandably enough, since the political will is difficult to muster in an America where about half of our "representatives" represent not their constituents, but their corporate masters.

Nobody who uses the Internet will deny that web users owe a debt to the engineers of Google. At the same time, Google has grown dangerously big for its colossal britches. Right now, in addition to its search engine, Google owns YouTube, Chrome, Google Books, Blogger, Picasa, Feedburner and Gmail and God knows what else, that's off the top of my head. Google bought at least 26 companies in 2011, across a broad spectrum of business activities. Google's ambitions do not stop there; their biggest acquisition so far, at $12.5 billion, was this August's purchase of Motorola Mobility; they'll be making proprietary phones and tablets next (though it's said this purchase was made in order to secure the zillions of patents owned by Motorola). There's no end to their resources, and correspondingly no limit to their attempts to dominate of every aspect of our lives online—which, increasingly, means our lives, period. Do we really want a single profit-making entity in control of this much of the Internet?

Google recently paid for a study carried out by Accuvant which concluded that Chrome is the "safest" browser against malicious attacks. And doubts arose not only because of the sensitivity of the recent negotiations between Mozilla and Google; the study drew criticism for having perhaps been specially designed to favor Chrome at the expense of Firefox.

But here we are, with Mozilla's main income stream extended again. It gives Mozilla three years to grow the foundation's fund further and look at new options. Meanwhile, one thing Google can do, for better or for worse, is spend money and not much notice doing so.

* * *

A substantial number of the Internet honchos with whom I spoke during this period didn't seem worried about the future of Firefox—partly because the mobile browser market is dominated by the open source WebKit rendering engine and its derivatives, which include Android as well as Safari and Chrome, and mobile is the future, everyone seems to think. Furthermore, Microsoft and its Bing search engine were surely poised to replace Google's alliance with Mozilla. Certainly there have been tentative moves in that direction already. (In addition, the Mozilla Foundation has a good amount of cash on hand.)

But even Android is not so open source as we've been led to believe; Google seems to be trying to have it both ways, playing the part of public benefactor, enjoying the open source "we're the good guys" PR while maintaining what amounts to very tight control over the software's development (here's a good chart illustrating how).

Open source doesn't necessarily preclude corporate control. Nowadays most open source code is produced by professional software developers working for big companies. Times have changed since Linus Torvalds first set out to create an unpatented and unpatentable operating system; as of 2006, two percent of the current Linux kernel had been written by Torvalds himself.

Jimmy Wales called it. "I think Firefox still has a strong negotiating position," Wales, founder of Wikipedia, wrote in an email. "I think Google won't let them go. Bing is ready and raring to go, well funded, and the aggregate share of the browser market held by all versions of Firefox is still 25.3% according to Statcounter. Does Google really want Bing front and center for hundreds of millions of users?"

A good point, except that Bing sucks so hard it draws blood. You can't sort standard search results by date in Bing. There is somewhat less SEO pollution than there is in Google search results but, big deal, when Google is apt to return ten or fifteen times the number of relevant results that Bing does, and date-filtered if you want. Bing's news results are anemic compared to Google's. There is no blog search function at all. And let's not even get into Google Books, which, I mean, that alone. If I were Google, I can quite easily imagine not caring two pins about Bing, at least in is current state.

It's hard to see how an alliance in 2015 between Bing and Firefox would benefit Mozilla much, or harm Google. If it is a revshare deal like the Google one, it's beyond likely that Mozilla's revenues will plummet anyway, because Firefox users will quickly learn to hop over to the Google website for their searches, leaving Bing without much rev to share.

* * *

So what, right? Why should we care about this? Well, we should care because these huge companies—Google, Amazon and to a lesser extent, Facebook—are increasingly in a position to wreck the Internets we've come to love and rely upon over the last 20 years. When the benefits that accrue to citizens come into conflict with the profit-making ambitions of the corpocracy, it has long been clear who will lose, absent an almighty fight. The unstable future of a dominant nonprofit, open-source browser is cause for concern to anyone interested in the preservation of the open web.

What is meant, exactly, by this phrase, "the open web"? Kip Hampton, author and Perl wizard, says it means a combination of three factors:

1) Free and open source servers and publishing tools, which means you don't need money to publish web pages, provided you have Internet access;

2) Transport protocols and other technical specifications that are not encumbered by patent or copyright claims (so that tools like browsers, servers, etc. can be freely implemented by anyone who is willing to put in the time to develop them); and

3) The general assurance that connecting to the Web means the ability to connect to all of it, without some intervening public or private authority filtering/blocking/throttling access to sites and other resources they don't like.

There are a lot of potential choke points there that could be exploited by a monopolistic corporation—one, say, in absolute control of browsers and search at the same time. In the U.S., attempts to kill the open web are being made not by political forces, but by forces intent on making you pay (or does that maybe come to the same thing?). Let's follow this out.

As Chrome gains the monopoly it seeks in the browser market—Chrome 15 just now became more popular than Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox, by some counts—that will create a very different set of problems from those posed by the earlier dominance of Microsoft's IE browser. Microsoft, unlike Google, never managed to stake out a controlling position in the search business; the nature of search is such that it automatically affects both online retail and social networks to a significant degree.

Even today, business software is Microsoft's bread and butter. Once Microsoft has sold you a copy of Windows or Office, that's it, you don't pay for it again until a new and useless set of upgrades comes along to be shoved down your throat. That is a very old-school manner of going about things that is liable to break down in the nearish future.

Because, in stark contrast, Google's business is the flow of information. When you watch a video on YouTube, Google makes money; on every Google search you perform, Google makes money; when you check your Gmail, even, Google makes a tiny bit of money, because there is an ad on there (for example, the one I just saw for the DeVry for-profit "university," which when you think about it, this whole thing is liable to make you pretty ill, one way and another, because you can't help but think, look, wouldn't it be better to pay something for these services, so maybe I wouldn't be a party to all these underprivileged kids getting tricked into a lifetime of hock to a load of tax-avoiding for-profit jerk-offs?).

Anyway, the point here is that Google’s true business is not search, but advertising. More than 96 percent of Google's $29 billion in revenue last year came directly from advertising. Google makes more from advertising than the whole country's newspapers combined. But Google News isn't producing a newspaper; it's aggregating and distributing and sometimes even propagating the results of work done by now-starving newspapers.

So. Ugh! The real question is, once they've got us by the cojones, what happens next?

Google does not have to stay free forever. (Free of charge, I mean. They are plenty free in the sense of unconstrained, what with their roaring Niagara of lucre and their eight corporate jets.) There is nothing to stop Google charging us for their services tomorrow.

We've never had to pay for a search engine yet, but if Chrome should take over completely, or nearly so, from Firefox and IE, that is a not-at-all-unlikely scenario. Google could absolutely forbid its search engine to any browser other than Chrome, for example, and if Google search maintains its absolute dominance—likely, for the foreseeable future, given that not even Microsoft with all its bazillions has succeeded in launching a viable competitor—no browser that literally does not include Google search would be usable, really. At that point Google could institute a paywall, of some sort. I think, really, would institute a paywall.

But that's not even the worst thing that could happen if Chrome were to achieve more than, say, an 80% market share. The worst thing is that then Google would be in a position to determine even more basic aspects of our ability to communicate on the web. (Theoretically, they threaten the open web even now, for they may conceivably be able to control who is able to see what websites just by shutting undesirables out of the Google search engine—or by promoting desirables to the top of results.)

Google seeks to host every document you write and every email you send, they want to show you every book, host your blog, host your photos, answer all your questions. Google offers, apparently, a competitor to Groupon. What the heck. I do not want the entire Earth to be blanketed in products made by Google, Apple, Amazon or any other soi-disant "builder" of "cool applications."

But that's what nearly of all today's other capitalists have done: exploit every advantage until it screams in pain, at all times. Not to have a solid business offering a good product at a fair price, not to be one among many, but to Take All and be the Winner.

Google search is the one indispensable Google product. There are tolerable alternatives to Gmail right now, and to YouTube, and there are more-than-tolerable alternatives to all the rest of Google's offerings so far. That means that if they get too greedy, we can vote with our mice; we're the assets, clicking and clicking, and we can take our clicks elsewhere.

But what happens when there's nowhere left to click to? Ruin is what happens then. Things get more and more expensive and difficult, and quality crashes and burns.

Exhibit A: Facebook

The best days of Facebook are far behind it. When was Facebook's best moment? I asked these all these youngs. One recalled, "Let me see, I was a freshman, in 2006" (causing me to inhale gin and tonic right up into my brains, practically). In 2006, because that was when you first got to put pictures up, she explained; before that, it had been just the one profile picture that you could have. "Before chat," said another.

For me, the charm of Facebook ended when my list of favorite books disappeared. The astonishing thing about the original lists of favorite things on Facebook was that you could instantly see anyone else in the Facebook land who was interested in anything on your own list. It was so surprising to discover this. Really popular things would show tens of thousands of devotees, but so many times, there would be just ten, or 100, or even two. Once in a while it would be a friend, or a friend of a friend, who shared a hitherto unknown and unsuspected taste for The Lost Scrapbook or the solo works of Yukihiro Takahashi. A magical thing. I friended a couple of complete strangers just because they were fellow Thurber freaks. These connections were random, unmonetized, unmediated. We can still do this on the Internet now—on Twitter, say, the new home of random and improbable connections—but not on Facebook. Not any more.

One day, my list went up in smoke. Poof! Perhaps there had been some warning, but I missed it, I visited but rarely. I had no backup list; it emerged that you would have to start over. Then, I was shocked to find, the new system accepted only recommendations linking to these Fan Pages that are anything but places for serendipitous connections: they're just marketing. Even when you've already met someone over a book you both like, there is a piece of the transaction to be got, if only in the form of a couple of Sponsored Posts on the right edge of the screen. Every day Facebook grows more suffocated with advertising; each interaction, each game, each moment you spend on Facebook is more and more clearly becoming like an ad-stuffed magazine, only you and your friends have to write all the editorial yourselves.

Facebook continues to "own" every bit of personal, private information we've ever put on there. As a nineteen-year-old Harvard student, Mark Zuckerberg offered other people's private information (gathered from Facebook's earliest incarnation) to a friend. I have all these thousands of emails, pictures, SMS, he bragged. "What? How'd you manage that one?" asked this name-redacted friend. Zuckerberg replied, "They trust me — dumb f**ks." The mystery is how anyone imagines Zuckerberg to have altered his original position by one iota. He told Jose Antonio Vargas in a New Yorker interview, "I think I've grown and learned a lot" since those instant messages.

His company's behavior indicates otherwise. The number of privacy scandals there is really shocking.

There are growing indications that people are fed up with the once-loved Facebook. Nicholas Carlson at Business Insider noted that revenue numbers recently leaked to Gawker look "a little light." Light, that is, given that Facebook looks to be coming in shy of the $4 billion in revenues it would take for them to "meet expectations" in advance of next year's IPO. $100 billion is the valuation number that has been floated for a number of months but I don't think they're going to get anywhere near that, for two reasons. One is the diminishing attractiveness of the feature set, as indicated above. Gone are the days when you could randomly locate some guy in Montana who loves The Book of Tea.

The other is that the bloom is off the rose for the youngs, as well, but in a very different way. Facebook was a novelty for twenty-somethings back in 2004; younger kids who grew up with it and are entering their twenties now are experiencing a certain level of burnout. They had Facebook all the way through high school, they already have two thousand "friends" and have long since grown tired of spending hours on the thing every day. For them, Facebook is liable to go the way of Hanson or Tamagotchis. It's not a new toy, but an old one.

But even if the IPO is postponed, or Facebook is forced to take the company public at a diminished valuation (like $80 billion or something!), there is no social network anywhere that is half as pleasurable or entertaining as Facebook once was, and Facebook itself has strangled the possibility of a new one developing, at least for now.

Exhibit B: Amazon

Amazon bought the first dominant rare book search engine,, in a pretty shifty-looking deal made in 1999, and then bought the next dominant rare book search engine, the Canadian Abebooks, in 2008. If you're surprised that Amazon owns, that is understandable, since the word "Amazon" appears zero times on the home page of Perhaps Amazon is not very keen that we should realize that it is getting increasingly difficult now to buy a book online, new, used or rare, where Amazon is not getting a piece of the transaction. You'll be paying more, that's almost for sure, if you choose Powells or Barnes and Noble, though there are still very good deals to be had at eBay's

Independent booksellers have been fighting tooth and claw since the late 1990s to avoid being swallowed up by corporations, but years of struggle have seen them reduced to sharecroppers. Fees for booksellers at Bookfinder were a flat $25 per month (except for really large inventories), with no commissions, but these days booksellers must pay Amazon through the nose, with a far larger monthly fee plus a hefty commission on each sale, plus they wind up eating quite a bit of shipping costs—that is, if they want the huge preponderance of online book buyers to see their inventory. And all this was deliberate. One saw it coming, even in 1996.

And this means that struggling independent booksellers have less money to spend on inventory and on restoring books, on printing newsletters and attending auctions. It means local used bookstores close. It means fewer experts know less about fewer books. It leaves us all very much poorer.

Kip Hampton articulated our current predicament very beautifully, I thought.

The concrete short-run benefit of saving $50 at the check-out overwhelms long-run concerns about what happens when the family-owned store down the street goes under [...] you can gas on 'til you're blue in the face about walled gardens, privacy issues, and dependence upon private unaccountable profiteers who can change the rules on a whim but those abstract arguments usually crumple when pitted against peoples' short-term needs.

[T]elling people they should do without some short-term benefit in order to gain a more important long-term one is a tough sell. Really, this is the heart of the challenge we face. People will flip over cop cars to stop some governmental agency from restricting their freedom but those very same people will willingly *give* that same freedom away to some private entity provided that they also get some short-term visible benefit in the process.

And so today we have Amazon, the biggest-box store of all, only the box is super far away where you won't see their slave-wage employees passing out in the heat.

They say it's an urban myth about the frog in the pan of slowly-heating water. Which I was very relieved to hear, if only because I've always found it so horrifying that anyone would have tried boiling a frog to find out. But it's a story that resonates all the same. Sometimes I feel like we're all of us in that pan, with the water having heated up to just past the steaming-Jacuzzi level.

* * *

The progress through Congress of the Stop Online Piracy Act has caused a very large number of people to sit up and take a bit more notice than usual. (SOPA has been halted for the moment in Congress, but only until Wednesday—again since canceled—but at some point there will be an attempt to weasel it through, so a call to your representative is possibly in order.)

If SOPA fails, it will be a hope-giving sign that citizens are waking up to the many dangers threatening the open web. It seems unimaginable, but it is in fact altogether possible that we won't get to keep this miraculous thing we've all built and are sharing every day.

Here is a really crazy idea. What if the global Occupy movement were to unite behind Mozilla, and other open web initiatives? For example, what if Mozilla's $100+ million Google dollars each year were to be replaced by an annual subscription paid by the many friends of the anti-corporate-greed Occupy movement around the world? You'd need 10 million people paying $10 per year, or you could have a tiered system like they have in public radio.

That is kind of how open source started in the first place, in opposition to the corpocracy. Kip Hampton described it this way:

[W]e came of age in a time when fighting the corporate stranglehold on software generally was one of *the* defining issues for anyone using or writing Open Source tools. We didn't just use (or write) OSS software because it was there, because it was popular, or because it it was free [...] there was a general agreement that we were providing an alternative to for-profit software and anything that even *looked* like it might lead to corporate control/co-option was strictly anathema. More to the point, we could just assume that everyone we collaborated with was on the same philosophical page because no-one who didn't already "get it" would even show up in the first place.

Its a different world now. People download Firefox because it's a great browser; even the most business-y business behemoths mostly use OSS server software because that's what everyone uses; proprietary scripting languages and development frameworks have largely gone the way of the dodo; yet we greybeards still act like everyone who shows up is naturally "on the team" and, thus, we don't need to explain why OSS is important.

The Occupy movement was united on the Internet. Maybe it could establish a beachhead for the survival of the open web, too.

Maria Bustillos is the author of Dorkismo and Act Like a Gentleman, Think Like a Woman.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Making Money Online Forum

World Class Traffic Jam by joiseyshowaa

At first glance, Alex Zhardanvosky and Joe Speiser don’t practice the “stick to your core competencies” mantra they preach. After selling a major share of Azoogle (now part of Epic Media Group), the online advertising business they founded in 2000, they started selling… pet food.

“In 2002 we had $2.1 million in sales at Azoogle,” Alex says. “By 2005 we had grown to $64 million. We sold a chunk of the company and started looking for another business we could start from scratch.”

In spite of the debacle—in fact, partly due to the highly public failure of—the two launched, a scheduled online pet food business, in March 2010.

“We love pets, and as pet owners we knew there was no way for a customer to buy pet food online easily,” Alex says. “The industry had been largely devoid of investment after failed, and we saw that as a definite opportunity.” After less than four months took its first orders and has since grown at a 10-15% monthly pace, with November sales reaching nearly $1.5 million.

Alex has started several successful businesses—and has made angel investments in a number of companies founded by previous partners and employees—so I asked him to share a few lessons learned from multiple start-ups. Here’s what he said, in his own words:

Never try to act “big.” Red tape starts playing a big factor when a start-up reaches a certain size. Small companies try to act really big, sometimes just because a few employees came from larger companies and they feel the organization needs to become more “corporate.” For example, frequent meetings aren’t a productive way to spend time. In big corporations you have Monday sales meetings, Wednesday management meetings, Thursday operations meetings… but if you create a naturally open forum, you don’t need all that. We set up open office layouts so we don’t need to discuss things as a team; everyone is already in everyone’s business, so to speak, in a really good way. Joe and I share an office and we almost never close our door.

“New” doesn’t have to mean “complicated.” Most products are wants, not needs. You don’t have to buy an iPod, but if you have a dog you have to feed your dog. We wanted to provide a solution to an ongoing need. The pet category is completely recession-proof and it isn’t based on fads or fashion. Plus it’s non-cyclical: Dogs don’t eat more at Christmas than they do in July, so we don’t have to ramp up for the holiday season. As long as we execute well our customers naturally become long-term customers.

What others do is irrelevant. On the Internet it’s all about deals, but when you create a valuable product and service proposition you don’t have to give it away. We don’t offer sales or discounts. While we provide pet food, we really sell a service and the elimination of a chore. In essence, we sell time—our customers’ time. To feed your pet you have to go to the store, walk down the aisle, stand in line, lug the heavy bag home… and do it over and over. That’s a chore. Customers love us because we eliminate that chore, and brands love us because we don’t discount their products and dilute the value of their brand. Most online retailers focus solely on being the low-cost provider, but providing the best overall value—in cost, convenience, and making life better for your customers—matters a lot more.

Stick to your core competency.  We learned this the hard way. When we started our online advertising network we focused on cost-per-action (CPA), performance-based advertising. Then we spent a year trying to start a cost-per-impression (CPM) network and eventually realized our customers didn’t want it. We diverted lots of smart people and spent lots of money on a glittery opportunity that was a complete loss of time and revenue. Now we like to say, “Never bend over a dollar to pick up a quarter.”

Of course you could argue that wasn’t in our core competency, but while the category itself is different we knew the model inside out. In our online advertising business we worked with Netflix, Blockbuster, Columbia House, and other major subscription-based services. We knew how to land and develop long-term customers.  So we stuck to our core competency, at least until we had to…

Take over when you have to. We started out using a third-party logistics (3PL) provider to handle fulfillment. The problem is that once you reach a certain growth rate it’s tough for a 3PL to grow with you. When our 3PL started to struggle—missing ship dates, shipping orders incorrectly, shipping to wrong addresses, etc.—we knew we were in trouble, because from a business owner’s standpoint there are only two things that matter: How many customers you have and how long you keep them. So we stopped advertising in June, leased our own facilities, and jumped headfirst into warehousing and logistics, even though it’s something we knew nothing about. We thought we could use others to handle critical tasks but we were wrong.

As daunting it seemed, we got really smart people to help us. We found the best in breed software, found a staffing agency to help us hire great people, and already we’re more efficient than our 3PL had been.

Our business is highly dependent on scale and growth, and it’s really important that we deliver consistently... so core competency or not, we had to take over.

Delegate—and then delegate some more. Our employees typically don’t need to ask for permission. We give employees a specific task and trust them to make the right decisions; if they don’t, together we’ll figure out what to do better next time—and then everyone will know what to do. Then, after we delegate we...

Don’t micromanage. I ask people to only copy me on emails when they want me to know about something, not because I have to know. When employees feel they have the authority to take action and generate revenue for the company, they’re a lot more productive.

Find what matters and then excel. We don’t try to make a pet food “discovery” site. And we don’t try to educate our customers about pets or pet foods because they’re already extremely knowledgeable. Our goal is to make it easy for customers to purchase what they already know they want, so we focus our energy on making our shopping cart and checkout system as simple and easy as possible. “More” isn’t always better. Sometimes "more" is just distracting.

Let your customers drive your business. We currently have about 4,500 SKUs and we’re expanding all the time because we let our existing customers tell us what they want. Customers will buy what they ask for, so find ways to ask. When your customers tell you what they want and you give them what they want they’ll stick with you for a long time.

Read more:

  • 7 Things Highly Productive People Do

  • 5 Jobs You Should Have Before Starting a Business

  • Want to Build an App? This Is the Customer to Target

  • At first glance, Alex Zhardanvosky and Joe Speiser don’t practice the “stick to your core competencies” mantra they preach. After selling a major share of Azoogle (now part of Epic Media Group), the online advertising business they founded in 2000, they started selling… pet food.

    “In 2002 we had $2.1 million in sales at Azoogle,” Alex says. “By 2005 we had grown to $64 million. We sold a chunk of the company and started looking for another business we could start from scratch.”

    In spite of the debacle—in fact, partly due to the highly public failure of—the two launched, a scheduled online pet food business, in March 2010.

    “We love pets, and as pet owners we knew there was no way for a customer to buy pet food online easily,” Alex says. “The industry had been largely devoid of investment after failed, and we saw that as a definite opportunity.” After less than four months took its first orders and has since grown at a 10-15% monthly pace, with November sales reaching nearly $1.5 million.

    Alex has started several successful businesses—and has made angel investments in a number of companies founded by previous partners and employees—so I asked him to share a few lessons learned from multiple start-ups. Here’s what he said, in his own words:

    Never try to act “big.” Red tape starts playing a big factor when a start-up reaches a certain size. Small companies try to act really big, sometimes just because a few employees came from larger companies and they feel the organization needs to become more “corporate.” For example, frequent meetings aren’t a productive way to spend time. In big corporations you have Monday sales meetings, Wednesday management meetings, Thursday operations meetings… but if you create a naturally open forum, you don’t need all that. We set up open office layouts so we don’t need to discuss things as a team; everyone is already in everyone’s business, so to speak, in a really good way. Joe and I share an office and we almost never close our door.

    “New” doesn’t have to mean “complicated.” Most products are wants, not needs. You don’t have to buy an iPod, but if you have a dog you have to feed your dog. We wanted to provide a solution to an ongoing need. The pet category is completely recession-proof and it isn’t based on fads or fashion. Plus it’s non-cyclical: Dogs don’t eat more at Christmas than they do in July, so we don’t have to ramp up for the holiday season. As long as we execute well our customers naturally become long-term customers.

    What others do is irrelevant. On the Internet it’s all about deals, but when you create a valuable product and service proposition you don’t have to give it away. We don’t offer sales or discounts. While we provide pet food, we really sell a service and the elimination of a chore. In essence, we sell time—our customers’ time. To feed your pet you have to go to the store, walk down the aisle, stand in line, lug the heavy bag home… and do it over and over. That’s a chore. Customers love us because we eliminate that chore, and brands love us because we don’t discount their products and dilute the value of their brand. Most online retailers focus solely on being the low-cost provider, but providing the best overall value—in cost, convenience, and making life better for your customers—matters a lot more.

    Stick to your core competency.  We learned this the hard way. When we started our online advertising network we focused on cost-per-action (CPA), performance-based advertising. Then we spent a year trying to start a cost-per-impression (CPM) network and eventually realized our customers didn’t want it. We diverted lots of smart people and spent lots of money on a glittery opportunity that was a complete loss of time and revenue. Now we like to say, “Never bend over a dollar to pick up a quarter.”

    Of course you could argue that wasn’t in our core competency, but while the category itself is different we knew the model inside out. In our online advertising business we worked with Netflix, Blockbuster, Columbia House, and other major subscription-based services. We knew how to land and develop long-term customers.  So we stuck to our core competency, at least until we had to…

    Take over when you have to. We started out using a third-party logistics (3PL) provider to handle fulfillment. The problem is that once you reach a certain growth rate it’s tough for a 3PL to grow with you. When our 3PL started to struggle—missing ship dates, shipping orders incorrectly, shipping to wrong addresses, etc.—we knew we were in trouble, because from a business owner’s standpoint there are only two things that matter: How many customers you have and how long you keep them. So we stopped advertising in June, leased our own facilities, and jumped headfirst into warehousing and logistics, even though it’s something we knew nothing about. We thought we could use others to handle critical tasks but we were wrong.

    As daunting it seemed, we got really smart people to help us. We found the best in breed software, found a staffing agency to help us hire great people, and already we’re more efficient than our 3PL had been.

    Our business is highly dependent on scale and growth, and it’s really important that we deliver consistently... so core competency or not, we had to take over.

    Delegate—and then delegate some more. Our employees typically don’t need to ask for permission. We give employees a specific task and trust them to make the right decisions; if they don’t, together we’ll figure out what to do better next time—and then everyone will know what to do. Then, after we delegate we...

    Don’t micromanage. I ask people to only copy me on emails when they want me to know about something, not because I have to know. When employees feel they have the authority to take action and generate revenue for the company, they’re a lot more productive.

    Find what matters and then excel. We don’t try to make a pet food “discovery” site. And we don’t try to educate our customers about pets or pet foods because they’re already extremely knowledgeable. Our goal is to make it easy for customers to purchase what they already know they want, so we focus our energy on making our shopping cart and checkout system as simple and easy as possible. “More” isn’t always better. Sometimes "more" is just distracting.

    Let your customers drive your business. We currently have about 4,500 SKUs and we’re expanding all the time because we let our existing customers tell us what they want. Customers will buy what they ask for, so find ways to ask. When your customers tell you what they want and you give them what they want they’ll stick with you for a long time.

    Read more:

  • 7 Things Highly Productive People Do

  • 5 Jobs You Should Have Before Starting a Business

  • Want to Build an App? This Is the Customer to Target


    Monday, December 19, 2011

    Suggestions about discovering the most suitable carpet cleaning company for your location.

    Business is Business by Firmorama

    Industrial carpet cleaner can be a very useful factor to utilize inside the places of work to completely clean carpets. Within high targeted traffic locations, in which floor coverings tend to be densely damaged, cleaning will become even more difficult; as a result, most washing contractors purchase a business carpet cleaner.

    Business office buildings, using their hundreds of rectangular feet of carpeted region, present specific problems with regard to cleaning installers. Cleansing organizations need to clean carpets and rugs inside of business office properties within very little period as you can in order to avoid disrupting everyday procedures. In high traffic areas, in which carpets and rugs are usually densely soiled, cleansing becomes even more difficult. As a result, most contractors purchase a industrial carpet cleaner designed to offer you superlative, effective washing with regard to commercial locations for instance workplace processes.

    Reduced finish carpet cleaning machines may save you cash at first, however regular breakdowns, deterioration, and bad function high quality will cost a lot more in the long run. These lower capability machines tend to be intended for use in the home or in smaller areas. They can not run hour right after hour or so with no split, because commercial carpet cleaning needs. Additionally, they may be not necessarily long lasting sufficient in order to stand up to the particular corrosive chemicals and also grime a commercial carpet cleaner is confronted with. Therefore, you need to look up the actual inventory to get a provider that provides industrial carpet cleaner and also pick the best item.

    The business carpet cleaner has higher pressure ranges as well as temperatures settings compared to household machines, allowing for quicker, far better cleaning. A few brand names associated with business carpet cleaning equipment may well attain temps of up to 210° Farrenheit. They could have strain amounts varying as much as 500 psi, which is often altered in line with the washing requirements.

    Probably the most essential needs with regard to carpet cleaning products is actually uninterrupted procedure. As a result, top quality business carpet cleaner is installed along with high capability solution and recuperation tanks. A number of these machines possess solution tanks because large within capacity since 17 gallons. Also, to prevent the need to cease the device before water heats, 2 heat components are supplied instead of 1, which usually minimizes heating system time and energy to close to 5 moments. A number of these carpeting shampooers have automated refilling and also getting rid of systems so your owner doesn't end up throwing away successful time completing as well as draining out refreshing and unclean water.

    Carpet extractors should be lower circulation, no matter what conditions you work beneath. Even if you in no way face water deficiency, just about all organizations of this character should utilize water modestly. Additionally, when you have to work at the customer's site, you might have to be much more cautious regarding h2o use, specifically since moist worksites are usually seldom treasured. Carpet cleaning in which make use of much less water assist in more quickly carpeting drying out, hence removing conditions which result in mold as well as bug infestation.

    Higher capacity carpeting shampooers have got one more operate. They are also used for washing area rugs and also upholstery. Ensure you purchase rug cleansers using the proper wands. Upholstery wands are scaled-down compared to carpet wands; they're used for cleansing chair addresses, settees, child car seats, curtains, as well as carpets. Preferably, these wands are made of metal for additional toughness and corrosion opposition.

    Examine the actual hose pipe size as well as high quality at the same time. The particular hose ought to be long lasting and split proof and really should end up being extended adequate to very easily achieve the location required without having repeated shifting. Quality carpeting extractors possess hoses that can be modified in line with the measurements from the carpeting.

    The right area rug cleansers are a significant facet of a carpet cleaning business and supply many years regarding support and also thousands within enhanced productivity. Daimer Industries is really a leading supplier regarding carpet cleaning equipment. Daimer offers a complete range of best carpet cleaning which includes carpet extractors, area rug cleaners, carpet shampooers and many more.

    A growing number of carpet cleaning organizations are becoming set up along with each passing day with all the sole purpose of supplying professional carpet cleaning providers to people who require all of them.

    Increasingly more carpet cleaning organizations are becoming established together with each and every passing day with all the sole aim of offering professional carpet cleaning providers to be able to people who require all of them. The requirement with regard to specialist carpet cleaning may differ from one individual to another. Although some need these kinds of providers simply because they can have simply no free time to complete the cleaning by themselves, other people will believe they do not have the correct abilities to complete the actual cleaning; other folks may not sense inspired to completely clean the particular floor coverings, particularly if they are huge.

    Most people that elect to do the actual cleansing themselves have a tendency to wonder ways to get exactly the same striking results since the experts. The good news is this can be done with all the right gear, the best washing items and also the correct techniques used in carpet cleaning. The very first thing you must do is figure out the best goods with regard to the type of staining or perhaps areas usually available on your floor covering. The right products will certainly get the job done thoroughly as well as safely.

    Second is always to know the forms of equipment you'll need for the work. You will find a myriad of washing equipment on the market, a number of which can be pricey. However, you'll be able to get the proper gear from an affordable price simply by conducting simple online investigation. Once you have established the strategy you would like to utilize to wash the floor covering, it will be easier to find the right tool for it.

    Ultimately, it's important to master the best washing processes to get a distinct type of floor covering clean. Many individuals are inside scenarios exactly where they've got the right washing real estate agents as well as the right tools but do not know the best ways to execute a excellent work. The net is a great tool to make use of regarding studying the right carpet cleaning techniques in the specialists on their own.

    With one of these a few items in position, it's effortlessly feasible to clean the carpeting just like the professionals. In case you are not necessarily too sure concerning your features, constantly ask for professional help since it is very inexpensive. Oriental Area rug Treatment NY, the NYC carpet cleaning organization, continues to be supplying skilled and reliable carpet cleaning companies to be able to New york in the past 2 full decades. Obtaining the greatest, A+, ranking with all the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU, Asian Rug Care NEW YORK had positioned alone like a highly specialist and also reputable Ny carpet cleaning organization. Get a FREE OF CHARGE On the internet Quotation or perhaps Contact Today regarding additional information regarding the carpet cleaning program.

    It is crucial that you recognize that if you're looking for a great carpet cleaning program, be sure to confirm their own popularity. Discover what some other earlier clients need to indicate regarding all of them. Visit: for more information concerning finding an established carpet cleaning Altlanta ga. or simply just study through the use of carpet cleaning Atlanta. Once you have the website, check out their particular system locations to learn should they possess insurance policy in which your property is found. Next phone the quantity for your area along with plan a meeting.

    Thursday, December 15, 2011

    what exactly to look for when choosing a competent appliance repair provider Appliance Repair Chicago

    BBSW in Kyiv: Business Link Team at Work by Business Link

    Tips on hiring an appliance repair service

    1. For almost any selections concerning selecting a major appliance repair company, receive suggestions first of a variety of appliance repair companies by people whose ideas people rely on, just like your own relations as well as close friends that have got encounters in using the services of appliance repair providers prior to

    2. Consider if it's additional cost-effective to basically useless the applying to get a new one particular when compared with to have this remedied by way of a specialized. Totally free rates can even be distributed by various appliance repair chicago
    on the web or over the device. That way, you'll not ought to e-book a real assistance require a technician without delay and get priced inflated service fees for any straightforward mend that you could possibly accomplish on your own. Here, you'll be able to pre-judge whether you should restore or even substitute your faulty product

    3. An additional element that can assist you to think about regardless of whether you ought to seek the services of a specialist appliance repair technician would be the normal life span of your equipment. Execute a tiny online investigation to discover should your machine can be far too older and when solving it will eventually you have to be a waste materials associated with income and also period

    4. In certain old models of dishwashers, washing machine's, in addition to refrigerators, that they are apt to have a better excellent with regards to their own internal elements in comparison to latest low-end products. Globalization possesses come to presenting selected little elements of numerous devices for being stated in large in several sites on the planet; this kind of offered towards the creation of low-cost, reasonably low-quality central areas. There are some excellent and very tough old-model home equipment that could be really worth repairing

    5. A fairly easy work connected with unplugging after that plugging back a digital kitchen appliance can crystal clear the situation intended for small electric does not work properly with washing machines

    6. Before you decide to choose a skilled appliance repair pc professional into the future over and execute this restore to suit your needs, you may want to check the various search engines intended for appliance repair study materials which may describe the problem and existing widespread do-it-yourself fixes. On the net kitchen appliance instructions tend to be free of charge and could supply you full information on how to carry out trivial maintenance tasks with regard to certain models of devices

    7. Should you have this knack for this and prefer to do technical household vehicle repairs yourself, you will need to behave like an expert as well as put on basic safety cups as well as steel-toed security sneakers. It is usually sound judgment to unplug the appliance primary before beginning unscrewing whatever. Sharpened ends are mixed together interior dryers therefore you has to be mindful as soon as working on a single

    Why you should hire a professional appliance repair service?

    Selecting a specialist to do a good appliance repair could keep an individual through totally wasting your time and energy tinkering with this operation of any property appliance which you do not understand. Trying to make it better all on your own may even result to more damage on your appliance. You will find numerous affordable appliance repair companies currently being promoted on-line or even on the phonebook. You possibly can always get in touch with the right choice who is going to repair whatsoever deterioration equipment you could have in the home

    Therefore property product items that could be much more cost-effective to mend compared to to change. Microwaves, refrigerators, freezers, stoves, dryers, ranges, etc. enhance each of our daily lifestyles; most of us occasionally also locate comfort through the use of all of them. If they find cracked or even are amiss correctly, getting rid of all of them instantly in favor of a fresh one particular might not be monetarily sound. You can find countless cases in which your malfunctioning is quite bit of a, in support of a few modest alterations as well as easy vehicle repairs might make an item end up being as good as new yet again

    Authorities who offer you home mend products and services can be purchased on the net or within the phonebook, and also most of them are likely to are available above or speak with anyone on the telephone to supply free of charge estimations about doable rates regarding correcting a particular house equipment

    What to look for when hiring a professional appliance repair service?

    Ask by family and also friends primary regarding tips. Those individuals whose ideas a person trust are normally the top supply of info with regards to different residence appliance repair solutions they've attempted ahead of.

    If you use both a great on the internet appliance repair forum or a great online advert of any commercial appliance repair firm, then you certainly need to make sure that it affirms “licensed in addition to insured” to help you make certain that you'll be getting the solutions from your professional that has undergone some sort of proper appliance repair training. This company’s express permission also needs to become an occasion you had that you need to look for. This license range must be legitimate plus the insurance plan must be informed. Moreover, you will need to study about how precisely precisely lengthy which appliance repair corporation has been doing business as well as where areas that performs; a firm together with a large amount of community background is commonly much more reputable given it will go through a number of lengths to maintain it is professional status in the market. Another thing not to ever neglect whilst in search of an appliance repair service is actually set up organization can be shown with significant world-wide-web websites such as yellow internet pages, Yahoo maps, Aol nearby, for example. This need to be outlined anywhere; a very obscure just one might just be a novice new venture or possibly a scam. You will need to additionally keep in mind that appliance repair chicago
    that publicize seriously may possibly demand much greater than people smaller local versions that depend a smaller amount on promoting nevertheless heavy on the word-of-mouth distribute with their beneficial repair companies.

    Once you have lastly determined which usually appliance repair organization to visit with, you could possibly ask pointedly around the label from the pc professional which will end up being providing a person in addition to quickly ask to be able to talk to the puppy first. Now, experts recommend you ask the actual technical assistant how much time he / she has been correcting kitchen appliances. Provide the technical assistant the main points with the problem. Produce the many symptoms so that she / he may visualize feasible causes of the applying crash. The actual technician is likely to deliver some possible causes with the kitchen appliance issues actually just before he or she offers the chance to are available around to your dwelling. Lastly, ask for an calculate of the restore expense after you have defined the situation. A professional pc professional is obviously prepared to offer a single

    It’s crucial that you keep in mind that if you are seeking a great appliance repair business, make sure to check their own popularity. Uncover what other previous customers need to say concerning these. Go to: to learn more relating to tracking down a reputable appliance repair in Chicago or just search by utilizing appliance repair Chicago. Once you've the website, take a look at their particular program places to determine if they have coverage where your property is situated. Then phone the quantity to your region and also plan a scheduled appointment.

    Saturday, December 3, 2011

    Making Money Opportunities

    Photojournalism--Plane Crash by Moy Triana

    Quite a few shop faces issue to get rug clean or even buy selecting cleansing expert. This informative article will describe you what one selection is more preferable.

    Several retail store go shopping masters face the particular challenge involving whether they should buy any upholstery cleaning device or look for this support of a cleanup expert. Even though cleansing authorities save your commitment of performing oneself, they can be expensive to use. Their own rug shampooing tactics could also abandon your current carpets moist for about 24 hours. This reduces your own productivity, making one to close go shopping till carpets are dried out again. Nevertheless, cleanup floor coverings oneself will demand period as well as knowledge of the correct gear.

    While each are a viable selection, business people usually prefer to purchase rug cleaning apparatus. Even though the initial charge will be increased, a top quality, low-flow new carpet solution can be an expenditure that can boost efficiency. Let''s observe how.

    Features of Carpet cleaning service Machines

    1 critical benefit may be the lessened drying out period. By buying premium quality, low-flow products, business people may thoroughly clean carpets and rugs completely, whilst making these phones dried up in mere 1-6 several hours. Severe can be found in today''s top devices, where a lesser amount of drinking water is needed intended for washing. This specific brings about drier carpets without having cutting down the particular washing electrical power.   Having drying times associated with only 1-6 hrs, companies can certainly clear carpets and rugs in the hrs the business can be shut. Furthermore, by reducing the actual drying out durations, danger of mold spores development inside moist carpeting and rugs is actually eradicated.

    Extended functionality is often a main benefit for premium quality techniques. Durable property, sturdy metal carpet wands, and also effective heating aspects are used throughout leading devices to guarantee the machine''s long life.

    Probably the most beneficial selling point of carpet shampooers is their own clean-up proficiency. Today''s major new carpet shampooers could make use of heat things for you to temperature drinking water up to 210° F. The employment of high temperatures permits staff to help become softer and also break down the most tenacious residues and also tissue heavy in rug fibers. Unheated devices are also designed for fewer requiring purposes as well as temperature delicate floor coverings.

    These kinds of equipment in addition encourage the more regarding clean-up agencies, for example environmentally friendly chemical compounds, to boost the particular cleaning energy. Eco-friendly substances are generally preferred since they are non-toxic, environmentally-safe alternate options to the damaging answers often  found in cleansing rugs within businesses. This specific maintains the healthiness of the actual machine''s user, personnel, as well as consumers.

    Methods for Right Carpet Cleaner Utilize

    To use a floor covering cleaner successfully, first cleaning of floor contaminants is actually suggested. Next, 1 need to pre-spray your floor covering having a environmentally friendly clean. Anyone injects normal water and additional answer to the carpet. Agitating while using the floor covering wand, the owner subsequently concentrated amounts drinking water, grime, alternative, as well as enable staining and residues from the floor covering fibers. This kind of complete procedure is usually completed quickly using today''s prime upholstery cleaning devices.

    To maintain the cleanness of one's business, purchase quality carpeting extractors these days. Clean-up having carpet extractor or even Upholstery cleaning Models is usually as uncomplicated because preparing omelet about range. Obtain new carpet shampooers as well as green cleanup products using floor covering cleanser intended for much better cleanup carpeting.

    Taking good care of That will Beautiful Brown area rug Or perhaps Flooring It requires time and watchful decisions to find the best brown area rug or perhaps carpeting for a well-appointed household. Attention it isn't just the issue of any speedy scrub often. The current area rug as well as rug materials usually are intended for extended don along with strength along with normal make use of. Still, often perfectly lovely rugs as well as carpet are the subject of lesser known things that can trigger everlasting deterioration. Upkeep for any carpet or carpet can be a matter for that specialists to handle. Maintaining any brown area rug free of needless dirt, sunshine in addition to trash is actually step one with brown area rug treatment. Protecting of which germs as well as strong down dirt with material usually are taken away routinely.

    Green area rug Proper care Cleaning Principles

    Taking good care of Which Wonderful Green area rug Or Carpet

    You will need considerable time along with careful choices to find the best carpet or even carpeting for the well-appointed property. Care it not just the make any difference of your swift scrub occasionally. Current carpet and carpeting fibres are generally designed for very long wear in addition to sturdiness along with regular utilize. Yet, often times perfectly wonderful rugs in addition to carpet tend to be put through lesser known components that will lead to long term harm. Preservation for just a rug or perhaps carpets is really a make any difference with the professionals to deal with. Retaining any green area rug exempt from pointless airborne debris, sun rays and trash is step one inside rug proper care. Protecting that will germs and also serious along dirt inside material are taken away routinely.

    Just one hint pertaining to preventing falling associated with carpets fabric is always to decrease sun light inside a space. Required carpets day-to-day vacuum-cleaning to manage airborne particles as well as airborne debris mites of which kind in carpeting material. This really is standard repair in which will keep carpet via matting. Build a normal strategy involving upkeep that upholstery cleaning nyc professionals offer you. Ny Carpet cleaners include intensive encounter inside treatment as well as upkeep associated with carpeting throughout a few of the heaviest feet targeted visitors areas such as upscale hotels as well as luxurious rentals. Regarding the most effective with rug proper care along with washing opt for the leading New york Carpet cleaning, Steamersxpress. Steamersxpress provides Ny city along with the city location and also have constructed any status while area rug along with carpets professionals.

    Rug cleaning NY

    Using the quantity of ft . visitors with New york city motels, space leases, condo rentals along with houses complexes, it's difficult to help keep home area rugs and also flooring via getting dirt along with bacterias. Steamersxpress offers typical repair with reasonable charges as well as good quality comprehensive service. Having Steamersxpress, it can be including using a private rug and also carpet advisor who will make sure in which non commercial carpet remains garden soil as well as airborne debris no cost while using the added attribute of any consentrate on organic clean-up. Buyers involving Steamersxpress are usually sure connected with eco safe cleaning merchandise utilised in the actual clean-up course of action. This is specially very important to include those with allergy symptoms along with health issues.

    Save Time As well as Cash With a Professional Green area rug In addition to Carpet cleaning service Program

    While time period is limited along with finances really are a priority, finding the almost all skilled experts won't be hard as well as inconvenient. You'll want to gather adequate information previous to interesting specialist providers. Typically, an experienced carpet cleaners BIG APPLE services may have an excellent qualifications in this business. Request any extra certifications as well as company documentation. Word-of-mouth by prior customers will be a different technique of ascertaining the experience of the green area rug along with carpet cleaning service. When this information may be evaluated, choose from numerous service strategies in which best accommodate private wants for rug cleaning.