Friday, July 29, 2011

foreclosure defense

The Intelligence of Beasts The Chronicle (hat tip Richard Smith)

Is this what they mean by voodoo economics? The British banker who quit his job to become South African witch doctor Daily Mail (hat tip reader May S)

Copper kills 97 pct of hospital ICU bacteria-study Reuters (hat tip reader Paul T)

Letter From District Attorney to Defense in Strauss-Kahn Case and Strauss-Kahn Accuser’s Call Alarmed Prosecutors New York Times. This case is over, read the NYT article for the comment to her boyfriend. I’m at a loss to understand why the prosecution hasn’t folded. The longer they keep this in the press by trying to breathe life into a dead horse, the greater the damage to their reputation.

Ray Kelly’s French Connection NYPD Confidential (hat tip reader Charles 2)

You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby Helaine Olen

New York treated Strauss-Kahn roughly but he got justice John Gapper, Financial Times (note I am including this to give a range of views).

Eurozone delays decision on new Greek bailout Guardian (hat tip reader Thomas B)

Defining Down War MIchael Hirsh, National Journal

Torture crimes officially, permanently shielded Glenn Greenwald

The Social Security Benefit Cut in the Debt Limit Talks and Supporting Social Security Benefit Cuts: What’s In It For AARP? FireDogLake

New York Attorney General Steps Up Probe Into BofA-Merrill Disclosures Wall Street Journal

New York’s AG Takes on the Banks William Greider, The Nation

Federal memo: Medical-marijuana dispensaries are prosecution targets Denver Post

On Independence Day 2011, We’re more dependent than ever McClatchy (hat tip Buzz Potamkin)

The Corrupt Corporate Incarceration Complex TruthOut (hat tip reader May S)

Doing a 17-year-old’s work: Meet the former media manager, 55, so desperate for a full-time job she was an UNPAID INTERN Daily Mail (hat tip reader May S)

MERS Evidence of Immortal Mortgages Claimed as Active Loan After Fraudclosure or ShortSale Foreclosure Hamlet

Man falls behind on payments, mortgage company has home trashed WTSP (hat tip Lisa Epstein)

The Big Interview with Barton Biggs Credit Writedowns

Also, a reader was curious re this Wikileaks cable, in which the US said that it has the right to board 1/3 ships in the world via a deal with Panama. Any clues?

Antidote du jour:


After awakening from a little adrenaline shock mini-coma, I find the thread on fire! I’ve read to the end of the thread so far and have some comments.

First: The defences put forth by some look suspiciously like ‘tribal exclusivity arguements.’ For instance, “You can’t comment about this practice because you are not one of us ‘fellow sufferers.” Such an arguement fails on simple logical grounds.

Second: There is sufficient data demonstrating the biases ans unscientific designs of ‘clinical trials’ by Big Pharma to bring most ‘evidence’ arising from Big Pharma sources into question, if not outright rejection.

Third: As another commentator has stated lucidly; “Usually doing nothing is the preferred option.” The Hippocratic Oath is quite clear on this one: “First, do no harm.” Too many people, both in and out of the medical profession, rush forward into unknown territory in search of the next “Miracle Cure.” Experimentation is fine and good. On it are our progresses based. Confusing experimentation with treatment is criminal.

Fourth: Again, as someone else remarked earlier, money is a continuously corrupting influence. For profit medicine seems to have embraced the profit motive and forgotten the medicine part. Just look around your doctors office the next time you have to visit it and look for all the ‘freebies’ the Big Pharma rep has given the doctor and staff. If you know your basic physical complaint, these signposts will give you a very good clue as to what the doctor is going to prescribe you. Even when it is not explicit, the effect does work.

Fifth: Individuals are being propagandized all the time in Mainstream Media to ‘buy into’ the latest Big Pharma Thing. As I remarked earlier; “Ask your Doctor if drugs are right for you!” Also, there is a very good reason why the warnings and contraindications are hidden at the back of a flimsy, teenintsy printed ‘information insert.’

Sixth: For various reasons, private individuals are actively discouraged from persuing their own research into most maladies. The one exception I can think of offhand is, cognitive therapy. To shift to this course is for the therapist to assume an ability on them part of the patient to learn and grow. Such therapuists require stable personalities and strong self images. Physician heal thyself, before you try to heal me.

Seventh: Psychiatry and psychology are still more art than science. I believe it was the late Joseph Campbell that considered modern psychologists as “glorified Witch Doctors.”

Primus: Modern psych starts out with a verbal set of questions. “How do you feel? Do you ever want to do this or that? Tell me about your dreams. Etc..” All of this is subjective, and relies on the medico having a very extensive experience with human behaviour. Freuds’ insistance on Psychologists going through Analysis themselves before treating patients is an admission of the necessity for that skill. ‘Straight’ medicine doesn’t require doctors to try every drug and medicine before prescribing. Hence, most of the diagnosis rely on extremelly subjective observations. An imperfect patient produces imperfect data.

Secundus: No psychs that I have ever encountered make a habit of requiring a ‘panel’ of physical measurements before embarking on a course of treatment. If I go to a doctors office, the first thing that happens is that the nurse takes a battery of physical measurements: height, weight, blood pressure, and so on. Then, when I bring forth my complaint, he or she reacts with tests and questions specific to the complaint. This often takes the form of blood chemistry tests. As an earlier commentor stated, Hyperthyroidism will present with symptoms very similar to Depression. How many Psychs even know to suggest a thyroid function test, much less the physical signs pointing in that general direction?

Finally: The entire field of Psychiatry is at a crossroads of sorts. Plenty of data is coming in suggesting relationships between mind and body undreamed of scant years ago. Given the personal and institutional inertia that all disciplines are hostage to, “Just trust us, we know what’s best for you,” is risible in the extreme. Drugging the public up is just plain lazyness and bad public policy to boot. Fight for your right to make your own choices. All too often, your life will depend on it.

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